Family Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

Are you tired of struggling with constant conflict at home? Does it feel like you just can’t get along with your family, that nothing you say or do seems right? Has your family gone through a difficult trauma that has not been resolved or no one has talked about?

I have helped many families solve problems, improve communication, and feel more connected and understood. Let me help your family find some harmony and function better.

Do you feel disconnected, misunderstood, or exhausted from frequent conflicts? No matter what you do, you just cannot get along?  

Family therapy can help you improve your understanding and connection with your partner, parents, siblings, or children.

I can be the mediator and the objective third party families need in these difficult moments. 

One of my specialties is helping adult children work on their relationship with one or more of their parents. These family therapy sessions focus on a variety of things, such as processing past trauma, loss, or big life transitions, talking about current needs and how each person can better meet them, or creating healthier boundaries and expectations. As a family therapist, I have helped many mothers and adult daughters strengthen their relationships and create more positive dynamics between them. Resolving conflict between family members can lead to more harmony and better connections between all people in the family.

Find Peace with Your Loved Ones

I believe that life struggles, family problems, financial stress, and stressful life events don’t define you or your family. It is a problem that you face as a team and I can help you work through it. All families go through challenging times and have moments (or years) of emotional distance. Family therapy can be helpful when you have exhausted all of your coping resources and you just can’t seem to find peace within your family.

We all come from families—whether that is a biological family, a chosen family, an adopted family, a foster family, or a close-knit community. Families teach us so many foundational lessons about values, regulating emotions, getting our needs met, relying on others, and being vulnerable. Our relationships within our families serve as the template for all other relationships. When we come from healthy families, we typically continue to have healthy relationships in adulthood with good boundaries and where our needs are met. If we come from unhealthy families, then often our relationships can be dysfunctional, toxic, or even abusive.

If you are noticing unhealthy patterns in your family, you may feel like you are walking on eggshells around people or even that no one is acknowledging the ‘elephant in the room’. Family counseling can help families talk about these issues and find healthy ways of communicating and solving big problems.

Family Therapy is helpful for:

  • Improving communication between family members

  • Reducing arguments, conflicts, and misunderstandings

  • Processing previous trauma, loss, grief, and working through issues of responsibility and blame

  • Putting in place good boundaries and decreasing co-dependent dynamics

  • Increasing a sense of connection and warmth within the family

  • Preventing ‘taking sides,’ triangulation, and having one person be ‘the good one’

  • Addressing and solving problems, such as financial stress, addiction, inequalities, and mental health issues

  • Helping family members to identify and communicate their needs better so that they can be met

  • Working through life transitions, such as separation, divorce, illness, or the loss of a family member

For women, wives, and mothers within a family dynamic, it’s common to make everyone around you a priority. I will help put you back at the center of your life and create a safe space to talk about problems in your relationships alongside those people in your life. 

Family Therapy can be with you and the whole family or just specific members for one session or many. 

Things to Expect in a Family Therapy Session

  • We will first identify which family members should be included in family counseling sessions.

  • I will talk to every family member involved to get their perspective on what is going on.

  • I will work to understand each person’s view on what is happening and how it is impacting them.

  • In order to create a goal for our sessions I will work with all the family members involved. Typical goals include decreasing conflicts and reducing blame.

  • I will meet together with those family members to help them communicate better, identify and find solutions to their problems, and find ways to work together better. 

Start Family Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

Are you ready to create peace with your loved ones? As a family therapist, I can help you improve communications and reconnect with your parent, adult child, sibling, or another member of your family. If you are ready to start finding solutions so that you can create harmony within your family follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me.

  2. Schedule your first appointment for family counseling at Flourishment Psychology.

  3. Start building warmth, understanding, and connection in your family.

Other Therapy Services in Los Angeles, CA

Besides family therapy, I offer specialized therapy for women and therapists. I also offer individual therapy services for anxiety and trauma along with corporate wellness trainings and clinical trainings. All of these services are offered in person at my Los Angeles-based practice or online in California and New York.

Create a life you love.


Nourish yourself


Heal yourself